Fairlop Fair, Ilford

5 performers dressed in yellow cycling rain capes, yellow helmets and yellow goggles, strike a pose with 2 bikes5th July 2014, Strictly Cycling, FREE Workshop & Performances

Location: Fairlop Waters Country Park, Ilford

Map:  http://bit.ly/1jPtThD

‘Inside Strictly Cycling:‘  A FREE workshop to transform the way you think about dance, movement and cycling.

Strictly Cycling is a new ‘cycle-about’ show combining improvisation, choreography and visual performance.  The performance plays with the everyday events and experiences of riding a bike, adding a hint of the surreal and comical.  The show is part choreographed and part improvised in sections on, off, over and around bicycles.

Bring your bike to create & learn a few basic moves & work as part of the team.  Afterwards, you can take part in a Strictly Cycling performance around Fairlop Fair, & be part of a most unusual flashmob.

Workshop:  12noon – 2pm, in the Back to Nature Area
Performance with participants at 3pm.

Sign up here, or just come on the day: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bicycle-ballet-free-workshops-tickets-11916036185

Link to further information on workshop participation



Fairlop Fair: www.redbridge.gov.uk/fairlopfair


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